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Friday, October 30, 2015

The Art of Factoring

Let's talk factoring

Factoring is both a science and art. There are many different ways to factor, especially trinomials. To view a presentation of factoring, you see my PREZI presentation on “The Art of Factoring” Presentation.

Factoring has four general steps.
1. Always find the GCF
2. Identify the number of terms
3. Identify specifically what is given
4. Apply shortcut or strategy of factoring

Videos on Factoring
Algebra – polynomials – factoring – example 5 – GCF and difference of squares
Algebra – polynomials – factoring – example 11 – AC method or splitting the middle term
Algebra – polynomials – factoring – example 18 – difference of squares, difference of cubes, and sum of cubes in one polynomial

To check your factoring…

To find the factoring chart and other resources, check out my website:

Happy factoring.

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